she / her / hers


My design values

This list has been shaped from personal lessons and experiences throughout my career. I am passionate about creating work that positively impacts the world, and I hope that sharing these values with you will provide insight into how I approach product design.


Motivate with a compelling mission

I’m driven to tackle the hard stuff when I know I’m building something that matters.

Experiment and learn

Fearlessly try new things and learn. Failure is a valuable signal on what doesn’t work well.

Metrics ≠ the goal

Metrics are crucial indicators of progress towards a goal—they are not the goal itself.

Velocity follows a shared vision

When everyone has clear sight into the direction ahead, work moves faster with fewer missteps.

Challenge assumptions

Exploring alternative perspectives and challenging norms creates more effective and sustainable solutions.

Model vulnerability

We’re all human and we all need help sometimes. Vulnerability builds trust and fosters a culture of honesty and authenticity.

Invent the impossible

If it feels impossible, there’s opportunity to innovate. Magic happens when we creatively explore how to manage obstacles or remove them entirely.